So I had to investigate. This simply cannot go on like that. I'll starve if this huge problem persists.
Me, being a smart Dizzie started the table. Nothing on the table except for her super noisy kaput-ing laptop, mags here and there, books pens, bits and pieces. Here's a picture. She apparently can't work if the table's empty.
Suspect 1: The table
Suspect 2: the wall
Suspect 3: Everything else near there
These are my prime suspects. But everything can be a suspect.
And so, when she was not around, I did my job.
I took large sniffs and sniffed everything my sniffy nose can sniff while sniffing for suspicious sniffable sniffy items my sniffy nose could possibly sniff.

She finally got her lazy butt out of the pink-spinny-chair-her-butt-kisses-every-single-day to take a bath. I jumped on it immediately after she was out of sight.
Nope. Nothing. I found nothing.
It must be something around there.
Round 2 Suspects: mags, floor, chair, dustbin, bags(on the floor) etc.
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