Friday, March 5, 2010

She Forgot My Lunch and Dinner

So I had to investigate. This simply cannot go on like that. I'll starve if this huge problem persists.

Me, being a smart Dizzie started the table. Nothing on the table except for her super noisy kaput-ing laptop, mags here and there, books pens, bits and pieces. Here's a picture. She apparently can't work if the table's empty.

Suspect 1: The table
Suspect 2: the wall
Suspect 3: Everything else near there

These are my prime suspects. But everything can be a suspect.

And so, when she was not around, I did my job.

I took large sniffs and sniffed everything my sniffy nose can sniff while sniffing for suspicious sniffable sniffy items my sniffy nose could possibly sniff.
Nope. Nothing. I found nothing.

It must be something around there.

Round 2 Suspects: mags, floor, chair, dustbin, bags(on the floor) etc.

She finally got her lazy butt out of the pink-spinny-chair-her-butt-kisses-every-single-day to take a bath. I jumped on it immediately after she was out of sight.


I solved the She Forgot Dizzie's Meal Mystery.

The verdict:
It is that chair.
The chair that causes her to not move, skip breakfast, skip MY breakfast, skip MY lunch and forget MY dinner.

Because when I jumped on it, it felt so warm and nice. Nowonder she wouldn't want to get out from the chair.



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